
Glasshouse Coaching Strategy

Have you ever bitten into a lemon? Boy, what a sour taste.  It’s almost unbearable to consume this fruit.  It’s amazing that once you add this sour substance to water, it becomes this wonderful treat to drink.  In addition to becoming a flavorful drink, there are great health benefits adding lemons to water besides minimizing its bitterness.  According to the Cleveland Clinic (2015), lemon water helps with hydration, weight loss and is considered a great source of potassium and vitamin C.

Now let’s apply this concept to life. We’ve all had a moment where our world was utterly soured by life lemons. These sour moments can have a negative impact on our behavior and our life choices!  Once we discover the blessing in difficult lessons is when life becomes bearable and enjoyable.  You know the saying “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!”

My goal is to provide you with helpful resources (just like lemon water) to dilute limiting beliefs and to rebrand your thinking.  I want to empower you with coaching to help you maximize your personal potential.  My one-on-one coaching is designed to help you rewrite the false narratives and beliefs to meet your personal goals.  Your session will include a Clifton StrengthsFinder” assessment to discover your natural talents.  The Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment has helped numerous people excel in their personal and professional lives for decades.

As a trained Gallup coach, I will:

  • Utilize your assessment to help you identify your strengths and opportunities.
  • Create a customizable action plan based on your needs
  • Provide you tools to help you deliver results.

Lets talk over a glass of lemonade….coffee is fine too!

Cost depends on the need of the client. Contact Minito Reasor at for more details.